Publications Caro Group

Showing results 321 - 330 out of 344


Kleinert, A., Grubert, G., Pan, X., Hamel, C., Seidel-Morgenstern, A., & Caro, J. (2005). Compatibility of hydrogen transfer via Pd-membranes with the rates of heterogeneously catalysed steam reforming. Catalysis today, 104(2-4), 267-273.
Noack, M., Mabande, G. T. P., Caro, J., Georgi, G., Schwieger, W., Kölsch, P., & Avhale, A. (2005). Influence of Si/Al ratio, pre-treatment and measurement conditions on permeation properties of MFI membranes on metallic and ceramic supports. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 82(1-2), 147-157.
Noack, M., Kölsch, P., Seefeld, V., Toussaint, P., Georgi, G., & Caro, J. (2005). Influence of the Si/Al-ratio on the permeation properties of MFI-membranes. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 79(1-3), 329-337.
Oekermann, T., Yoshida, T., Boeckler, C., Caro, J., & Minoura, H. (2005). Capacitance and field-driven electron transport in electrochemically self-assembled nanoporous ZnO/dye hybrid films. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(25), 12560-12566.
Peter, S., Caro, J., Wang, H., & Schiestel, T. (2005). Herstellung von Synthesegas unter Verwendung perowskitischer Membranen. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 77(8), 1000.
Schiestel, T., Kilgus, M., Peter, S., Caspary, K. J., Wang, H., & Caro, J. (2005). Hollow fibre perovskite membranes for oxygen separation. Journal of membrane science, 258(1-2), 1-4.
Stelzer, J. B., Schröder, C., Caro, J., Fait, M., & Bentrup, U. (2005). Aufbau und katalytische Aktivität hierarchisch nanostrukturierter Oxid-Katalysatoren Teil 4: Einfluss der Vanadiumprecursoren auf das katalytische Verhalten von TiO2/SbOy/VOx-Katalysatoren. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 77(4), 406-412.
Stelzer, J. B., Caro, J., & Fait, M. (2005). Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane on TiO2 supported antimony oxide/vanadia catalysts. Catalysis communications, 6(1), 1-5.
Stelzer, J. B., Nitzsche, R., & Caro, J. (2005). Zeta potential measurement in catalyst preparations. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 28(2), 182-186.
Tablet, C., Grubert, G., Wang, H., Schiestel, T., Schroeder, M., Langanke, B., & Caro, J. (2005). Oxygen permeation study of perovskite hollow fiber membranes. Catalysis today, 104(2-4), 126-130.