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Zeige Ergebnisse 1491 - 1500 von 1504


Heitjans, P., Faber, W., & Schirmer, A. (1991). β-NMR studies of spin-lattice relaxation in glassy and layer-crystalline compounds. Journal of non-crystalline solids, 131-133(PART 2), 1053-1062.
Merke, I., Grabow, J. U., Heineking, N., & Stahl, W. (1991). The Microwave Spectrum of 1, 1-Dichloro-2, 2, 2-trifluoroethane. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung - Section A Physical Sciences, 46(9), 799-802.
Nicolaisen, H. W., Grabow, J. U., Heineking, N., & Stahl, W. (1991). The Microwave Spectrum of 4-Methylisothiazole. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung - Section A Physical Sciences, 46(7), 635-638.


Andresen, U., Dreizler, H., Grabow, J. U., & Stahl, W. (1990). An automatic molecular beam microwave Fourier transform spectrometer. Review of scientific instruments, 61(12), 3694-3699.
Faber, W., Bader, B., Heitjans, P., & Schirmer, A. (1990). On the use of a gradient resonance neutron spin flipper. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 294(1-2), 241-244.
Grabow, J. U., & Stahl, W. (1990). A Pulsed ‘Molecular Beam Microwave Fourier Transform Spectrometer with Parallel Molecular Beam and Resonator Axes. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung - Section A Physical Sciences, 45(8), 1043-1044.
Schirmer, A., Heitjans, P., Faber, W., & Samuel, F. J. (1990). Neutron beam separation with a macrobender. Measurement science and technology, 1(7), 654-656. Artikel 021.
Schmalzried, H., Frick, T., & Koepke, J. (1990). A Novel Kind of Internal Solid State Reactions. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 166, 115-117.
Ueshima, Y., Schmalzried, H., & Koepke, J. (1990). Demixing of oxide solid solutions in oxygen potential gradients: Two-phase systems and the morphological stability of the interface. SOLID STATE IONICS, 40-41(PART 1), 232-235.
Ueshima, Y., Schmalzried, H., & Koepke, J. (1990). Interdiffusion in oxides (A, B)O (II): Experimental investigation of point-defect relaxation on concentration profiles for MnO-FeO. Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, 61(5), 707-723.